Frequently Asked Questions In Bloomington, MN

At Gregory & Jesse Gardner Concrete Contractors , we understand that many of our valued customers in the Bloomington area and surrounding communities have questions about concrete. Our team always takes the time to answer your questions and to provide you with reliable service. However, there are some frequently asked questions that many of our clients and customers share. We've put together this FAQ page so that we can better serve you. If you do not see the questions you have about concrete installation and repair work here, let us answer your questions personally. Please call us directly during our extended business hours; we're happy to help in any way we can.
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1.Do you give free estimates?
Yes, we offer free estimates to all residents, contractors, and property managers.

2.Are you licensed or insured?
Yes, we carry worker's comp, licensed, bonded, Liability Insurance. We are also registered with the BBB and the MN Department of Labor/Secretary of State.

3.Do you install any sub base preparation for the concrete projects?
Yes, we use a granular base underneath before concrete placement and compact with a mechanical plate tamper.

4.Do you reinforce the concrete?
Yes, we install rebar for a primary reinforcement along with fiber mesh in the concrete. We also use wire mesh for Stamped concrete driveway or exposed aggregate finish installs.

5.How thick do you pour concrete for my project?
Walks & Patios or Basement floors= 3 1/2" to 4''
Steps =5'' to 7''
Garage Slabs or Driveways= 4'' or 5'' or greater upon request
Footings= 8'' or greater
Post Footings= 42'' min. or greater

6.Do you use a concrete sealer for my new concrete?
Yes, we use a triple action sealer initially which: A. Cures your concrete B. Penetrating Silane Seal C. also a Acryllic Membrane Seal as well. Only exceptions for same day sealing application would include decorative stamped finishes and exposed aggregate finish. We would return to seal these projects for an initial seal.

7.How long will my concrete last?
Concrete can last a long time and gets stronger over time. Just monitor and control salt exposure and call us for a return visit to apply a re-coat application of concrete sealer when necessary.

8.What forms of payment do you accept?
We accept cash, check(personal, bank certified and other bank checks), and Paypal.

9.What other services do you offer?
*Retaining walls, pavers, footings, new block foundation for additions and basement wall repair.
*Core fills, glass block window install, window wells, exterior grading around foundation.
*Parging interior or exterior to scaling foundation walls and also drain tile.
*Thin concrete overlays, stained or color concrete, and epoxy coatings.
*Power washing concrete or paver surfaces and resealing.
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